5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a College Assignment
If you are a college student, you have to work on variety of assignments time to time and if you know how to write an assignment perfectly, that’s great! But if you think your assignments are not giving you the marks you expect from them, you must be making some mistakes. The only solution to this problem is to avoid making those mistakes. Here we are going to discuss some of the most common mistakes that majority of the students make. Hopefully, this little help with assignment could make a big difference for you:
1: You Must Avoid Poor Structure & Formatting
Every assignment should have a proper structure because this will allow you to write smoothly and flawlessly. You might be instructed to follow a certain formatting style and if you don’t know its specific rules, don’t play fluke but everything about it. Many students who don’t have good idea about structuring, they give a poor shape to the structure which is resulted into a bad shape of your assignment. For example, if you are writing an essay, it has three main sections and each one has its own importance so give equal focus to each one of it.
· Introductory paragraph should contain a thesis statement and it must be clearly understandable so nobody could have any problems at all.
· The intro must be followed by body. In fact, body of the assignment provides you an opportunity to have great arguments supported by evidences.
· While you are giving your concluding remarks, don’t give new or unnecessary information but endorse what you have already discussed.
2. You Must Avoid Lack of Examples and Evidences
Another big mistake made by the students is that they give a lot of arguments but forget to back them up with authentic examples and evidences. Remember that if you don’t provide evidences, you will not be able to make your readers feel like they are reading an authentic document. Though, it is quite important to do your own research, if you don’t, you can use some well known scholars research work and cite it properly to avoid plagiarism issues. Additionally, you should also give your own analysis to every point that you discuss.
3: You Must Avoid Plagiarism throughout Your Assignment
When we talk about citation, we must know why it is important and what happens if we don’t deal with it efficiently. If you will have plagiarized content in your paper, it will definitely bring a lot of problems for you so you must try to get rid of it as much as possible. You know what plagiarism actually is? Well, it is the act of copying someone else’s ideas without giving them proper attribution. If you have plagiarized content, it is there unless you remove it. Use plagiarism detection tool such as copyscape and detect plagiarized content in your paper. If you are giving some kind of references or examples, cite them properly. If it is not necessary to cite the reference then make the information unique like professional assignment writers do.
4: You Must Avoid Repetition of Same Words and Phrases
When you are at a college level but you don’t do a lot of reading, most probably you will not have great vocabulary which simply means you will be using the same words and phrases every time you try to write something new. The practice is resulted into repetition of same words and phrases which break the flow of reading. So if you want to make your assignment a flawless piece of reading, you better use new and fresh words rather than using the same words. The best way to do it is to find similar synonyms.
When you repeat the same words and phrase, the reader gets the feeling that you couldn’t understand your topic clearly and that’s why you are unable to define it in the most effective way. You don’t have to write sentences if you don’t need them even if you have to increase word count. Rather you should find some new but relevant information that can be used in your own words to enhance authenticity of your paper.
5: You Must Avoid Spelling and Typing Errors
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