The Paytm PayTM IPO can still raise at least 1,000 lei &
Paytm may increase the size of the offer to sell to Paytm if existing investors sell the shares. One97 Communications expects SEBI nod to increase size of Paytm IPO in coming days MUMBAI: Paytm's Rs 16,600 million initial public offering (IPO), considered one of the largest in India, is expected to increase the volume of the offering by around Rs 1,000-2,000 million, people said on the issue. gave information. This would largely be done through a secondary sale of shares - technically known as a sale offer - in which existing investors would sell the shares. The development comes at a time when Paytm's mother One97 Communications, which owns Paytm and its fintech branches, is expected to receive approval from the capital markets regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India, in the coming days. . Paytm IPO can still raise at least Rs 1,000 or Rs 2,000. Paytm IPO can still raise at least Rs 1,000 or Rs 2,000. Sources said Paytm may also increase the p rimary component by is...